Rocío Gil

Rocío Gil

Rocío Gil is adjunct professor at Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa in Mexico City. She finished her PhD in Anthropology at The Graduate Center, CUNY in New York. She is author of Fronteras de pertenencia. Hacia la construcción del bienestar y el desarrollo comunitario transnacional de Santa María Tindú, Oaxaca (2006). In her doctoral dissertation “Becoming Legible: The Racial Making of the Negro Mascogo/Black Seminole People in the Coahuila-Texas Borderland” (2019) she argues that Negros Mascogos/Black Seminoles, an afro-indigenous transborder group, have been in a double bind since the nineteenth century. Numerous external forces have put them in the position to choose between Blackness and Indianness, doing violence to the ways they understand themselves. However, they have understood the double bind and have made their racialization more flexible to claim Blackness in relation to some socio-historical processes, and Indianness in relation to others.

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