Sales Augusto dos Santos 

Sales Augusto dos Santos 

sales Augusto
Sales Augusto dos Santos holds a Doctoral degree in Sociology by the Universidade de Brasília (UnB)/Brazil, and a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Africana Studies by Brown University.  He is a Visiting Professor in the Department of Social Sciences at the Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV)/Brazil, and Senior Research Specialist at the Department of African & African Diaspora Studies University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He published the book "O Sistema de Cotas para Negros da UnB: um balanço da primeira geração" [The Quota System for blacks of the UnB: an assessment of the first generation] (2015). His Last book, "Gênero, orientação sexual, raça e classe: violências contra estudantes no campus de uma universidade federal" [Gender, sexual orientation, race, and class: violence against students on the campus of a federal university], was published this year.

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